RegEx in Python

A comprehensive guide for learning regular expressions using Python

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1. Introduction

An introduction to regular expressions, their brief history, important usages and basic syntax

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2. import re

Get started with in-build python module re and learn various methods for pattern matching.

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3. Character Classes

Learn the concept of character classes, character set range and predefined character classes.

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4. The Backslash Plague

Learn how backslashes can be very annoying when dealing with regular expressions and how to tackle them in multiple ways.

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5. Alteration

Learn the basics of alteration with examples.

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6. Quantifiers

Learn the basics of quantifiers with various examples.

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7. Greedy & Non-Greedy Quantifiers

Discussion about greedy and non-greedy behaviour of quantifiers.

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8. Boundary Matchers

Learn the concept of boundary matchers and their types.

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9. Splitting

Learn how to split text by regex pattern with examples.

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10. Substitution

Learn how to do substitutions at pattern matches with examples.

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11. Compilation Flags

Learn the concept of compilation flags with examples.

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12. Grouping

Learn the very important concept of "Grouping" and its various applications.

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13. Backreference

Learn how to backreference groups and its interesting applications.

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14. Named Groups

Learn how to refer to regex groups by names instead of index.

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15. Non-Capturing Groups

Learn how to prevent a group from capturing its matching part with examples.

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16. Look Ahead

Learn the concept of look ahead mechanism with some basic examples.

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17. Look Behind

Learn the concept of look behind mechanism with some basic exmaples.